Electronic Phone Book

University Ulm

Dekanatsbüro der Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Psychologie

WWW: https://www.uni-ulm.de/in/fakultaet/
Address: Albert-Einstein-Allee 39
89081 Ulm
Phone: +49 731 50-26000
+49 731 50-24201
Fax: +49 731 50-24202

Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf
Vice Deans
Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski
Prof.Dr.Dr. Daniel Alexander Braun
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Kissinger
Prof. Dr. Harald Baumeister
Sigrid Hill
Dean of Studies (Cognitive Systems)
Prof. Dr. Heiko Neumann
Dean of Studies (Computer Science)
Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski
Dean of Studies (Electrical Engineering and Communications and Computer Engineering)
Prof.Ph.D. Carl Emil Krill
Dean of Studies (Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Harald Baumeister
Non-academic Staff
Traude Graser
Ulrike Stier
Alexandra Fekete
An Kenens
IT-Contact Person
Dr. Marc Schickler